LA Medical Cannabis Emergency Response Rally & Protest Noon Friday
EMERGENCY RESPONSE RALLY & PROTEST(Please distribute widely)
Who: All Supporters Of Medical Cannabis
What: Peaceful Rally & Protest
When: Friday, October 7, 2011 – High Noon
Where: Los Angeles Federal Building, 255 East Temple Street Why: Federal Government Has Announced It Intends To Shut Down Every Collective In California – We Gather In Solidarity With The Emergency Rally In Sacramento Where Feds Will Make Their Official Announcement at 11 a.m.
Today, October 6, 2011, federal authorities announced that they intend to shut down every collective in California -,8599,2096399,00.html
The DEA has teamed up with the IRS and ATF to attack medical cannabis patients across the country. You can read more news at PAN’s blog, Cannabis Patient Voice -
The feds are going to announce their new policy to close collectives tomorrow, Friday, October 7, 2011, in Sacramento. We gather to voice our frustration with failed federal policy and the deceit by the Obama Administration.
Bring a friend (or two). Bring a sign. Be prepared to address the media.
PLEASE – Contact your Congressional Representative by phone or email and let them know how you feel about this new federal crackdown on medical cannabis patients and their rights under the Constitution. Find your representative here:
The time for EVERY patient to get involved is now. Spread the word. Each one teach one. Congress has stated the reason that this battle continues is that THEY DON’T HEAR FROM PATIENTS. Let them hear from you loud and clear. In Solidarity.
Degé Coutee
Education & Advocacy Director
Patient Advocacy Network
California NORML Press Release – Oct 7, 2011 SACRAMENTO - Medical marijuana supporters are rallying to protest the Obama administration's crackdown on medical cannabis dispensaries outside a press conference by U.S. Attorneys at the Sacramento Federal Court House this Friday, Oct. 7th from 10 AM to 1 PM.
US Attorneys in California have begun sending letters to landlords of dispensaries threatening them with property forfeiture and criminal penalties for violating federal law.
In a letter to the landlord of the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, the longest-operating dispensary in California, the US Attorney of Northern California warned that MAMM was operating within "a prohibited distance of a park." MAMM, which is officially backed by the city of Fairfax, has been operating without complaint for 15 years. Federal prosecutors complain that it is located within 1,000 feet of Bolinas Park, but this is perfectly legal under state and local law.
"The federal government has no business dictating local zoning issues.," says California NORML Director Dale Gieringer. "This is government over-regulation run amok."
The DOJ forfeiture threats are the latest in an escalating series of federal attacks on medical marijuana by the Obama administration:
• The IRS has assessed crippling penalties on tax-paying dispensaries by denying standard expense deductions.
• The Department of Treasury has browbeaten banks into closing accounts of medical marijuana collectives.
• The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms has warned firearms dealers not to sell drugs to medical marijuana users.
• The DEA has blocked a 9-year old petition to reschedule marijuana for medical use, ignoring extensive scientific evidence of its medical efficacy.
• NIDA has blocked proposed research on medical marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.
California NORML estimates that the state's medical marijuana industry generates $1.5 - $4.5 billion in business, over $100 million in taxes, and tens of thousands of jobs in the state.
""With the federal budget on empty, the economy in disarray, our prisons overflowing, and prohibition-related violence raging across the border, it's an outrageous misuse of federal resources to wage war on marijuana dispensaries," says California NORML coordinator Dale Gieringer. "Federal anti-drug bureaucrats are afraid because the dispensaries are proving that it's possible for marijuana to become a safe, legal, tax-paying industry and so expose their own last-century policies as bankrupt and obsolete."
Supporters are urged to call on the President to respect state marijuana laws - White House Hotline: 202 -456-1111. A bill to let states regulate medical marijuana legally, H.R. 1983, has been introduced by Rep. Barney Frank and has several co-sponsors from California.
Release by Dale Gieringer, Director, California NORML
Friday October 7, 10 am-3pm
Sacramento Federal Courthouse501 I Street - (510) 540-1066 or (415) 563-5858 Advocates Accuse Obama of Hypocritical, Aggressive Policy on Medical Marijuana
Millions of taxpayer dollars spent undermining state and local medical marijuana lawsSacramento, CA -- The Obama Justice Department (DOJ) held a press conference in Sacramento today announcing an array of enforcement actions against medical marijuana producers and distributors as well as landlords throughout California. Patient advocates are calling President Obama's enforcement effort harmful and unnecessary, representing a stark contradiction to his pledge of disengagement in medical marijuana states. The DOJ claimed it was carrying out civil and criminal enforcement actions against medical marijuana providers and sending "warning" letters to property owners leasing to dispensary operators.
"Aggressive tactics like these are a completely inappropriate use of prosecutorial discretion by the Obama Administration," said Joe Elford, Chief Counsel with Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the country's largest medical marijuana advocacy group. "President Obama must answer for his contradictory policy on medical marijuana." On the campaign trial and in the White House, President Obama pledged that he was "not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state [medical marijuana] laws."
California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said in a statement issued today that the DOJ enforcement strategy was "a waste of scarce federal resources," underscoring "the need for Congress to pass H.R. 1983, the States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act." H.R. 1983 would reclassify medical marijuana at the federal level and allow states to develop, implement and enforce their own laws.
This attack is the latest in a long line of federal intimidation tactics employed over the past few months by such agencies as Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). President Obama's DOJ has conducted well over 150 federal raids in at least 7 states since taking office and his U.S. Attorneys sent letters earlier this year threatening local and state officials in 10 states with criminal prosecution if they adopted proposed medical marijuana laws.
By sending threatening letters to landlords, President Obama is taking a cue from his predecessor George W. Bush, whose Justice Department sent similar letters to more than 300 property owners throughout California in 2007. Despite the seriousness of letters sent by the DOJ under Bush, no criminal or forfeiture enforcement actions were ever pursued. It's unclear if the federal government has the resources or inclination to act on these new threats in a significant way, but for the price of postage they have engaged in wholesale intimidation of the medical marijuana community.
Advocates argue that states should be allowed to enforce their own public health laws, including those concerning medical marijuana. "It is unconscionable that the federal government would override local and state laws to enforce its will over the will of the people," said ASA spokesperson Kris Hermes. "States must be allowed to enforce their own laws without harmful interference from the Obama Administration." California Attorney General Kamala Harris was apparently not warned by the DOJ about the heightened federal enforcement effort before today.
The DOJ enforcement effort comes as hundreds of demonstrations against Wall Street are continuing to occur across the country. These protests are, at least in part, questioning the federal government's allocation of limited resources. Meanwhile, President Obama has chosen to expend federal resources to crack down on medical marijuana in states that have legalized its use. "By shutting down dispensaries, the Obama Administration is not only pushing legal patients into the illicit market," continued Hermes, "it's also wasting taxpayer dollars at a time of fiscal crisis."